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Why Some People Respond to Stress by Falling Asleep

“You can be driven to sleep simply by having a lot of emotional memories to process.”

#AmberStories, #blogs, #Coffee, #Cuddling, #Everything, #Forever, #Happiness, #Horror, #Love, #Promise, #Relationship, AmberinPhotography, Behavioral, Childhood, Competency, life, Me, MorningPerson, Music, My Soul, Ourself, Sleep, Social Networking, SocialLife, Tips, Wonders

This Is For The Girls Who Believe There Are No Good Guys Left

There are still guys out there who want to date you.

#AmberStories, #blogs, #Coffee, #Everything, #Love, #Promise, #Relationship, #Tears, Childhood, Competency, Health, HighTech, Kids, Music, My Soul, Ourself, Sleep, Social Networking, Tips

25 Important Lessons I’ve Learned About Love From Being Single

I like being single, because I'm always there when I need me.