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Losing Hope in Life, Feeling Lonely, Take a Deep Breath and Read this.

Losing Hope in Life, Feeling Lonely, Take a Deep Breath and Read this.

#AmberStories, #blogs, #Coffee, #Everything, #Love, #Promise, #Relationship, #Tears, Childhood, Competency, Health, HighTech, Kids, Music, My Soul, Ourself, Sleep, Social Networking, Tips

25 Important Lessons I’ve Learned About Love From Being Single

I like being single, because I'm always there when I need me.

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8 Heartbreaking Moments In Life We All Have To Go Through Alone

Our life never guarantees us anything—neither happiness, nor sadness. It only promises a roller coaster ride of a myriad of experiences which could be bittersweet, or maybe take us through hell. But regardless of their nature, they are bound to change us, and sometimes for the better only. While we surround ourselves with our family… Continue reading 8 Heartbreaking Moments In Life We All Have To Go Through Alone