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Losing Hope in Life, Feeling Lonely, Take a Deep Breath and Read this.

Losing Hope in Life, Feeling Lonely, Take a Deep Breath and Read this.

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Why Some People Respond to Stress by Falling Asleep

“You can be driven to sleep simply by having a lot of emotional memories to process.”

#AmberStories, #blogs, #Everything, #Forever, #Happiness, #Love, #MotherLove, #Promise, #Psychological_Needs, #Relationship, Freaky, life, Me, Music, My Soul, Religion, Social Networking, SocialLife, Story, Wonders

15 Things You Don’t Owe Anyone At All (Though You Think You Do)

Sometimes people go so far as to ask you to explain yourself for the decisions or choices you make in your own life. You might feel obliged to respond, but some things are really no one else’s business and you don’t owe anyone an explanation at all for the following 15 things—though you think you do.